Informatics Consulting


The field of informatics contains a vast amount of highly specialized information, and that amount is ever-increasing. Teams across the globe are constantly discovering new information, and often create tools to help others access and understand those discoveries. Regardless of your level of familiarity with the field, this expansion of information can make it overwhelming to find, understand, or verify the information that you need to reach your goals.

O’Connor Informatics Consulting has decades of experience to help teams when they need to know more about science, technology, products, or people in the field of informatics.


Learn about key datasets and sequencing methods available that can help you reach your goals

Understand up-to-date scientific research, methodologies and discoveries

Verify the science behind your investments


Understand the types of technologies available to help your reach your goals

Learn how to use the technologies required for the work you are doing

Verify the technology behind your investments


Understand and source the products you can use to reach your goals

Verify whether your product meets regulatory standards, and learn what steps need to be taken to ensure that it does

Define your product’s competition and gaps in the market


Know what type of team you will need to accomplish your goals

Assess the skills of your current team and whether additional personnel or training may be needed for the task at hand

Provide education and training for your team